I couldn’t figure out what to paint today… I thought about flowers in my garden and photographed many while hubby planted tulip bulbs for me… hmmmm… what was I using to capture my garden: my smartphone! I LOVE my squared cornered checkered case! Why not paint it…
Day 27 - Text Me… Don’t Call Me
Day 26 - StageCOUCH Cowgirl Tipsy Boots
YeeHaw! Enjoying the StageCoach Festival from the comfort of my COUCH = StageCouch!
Day 25 - It’s Friyay
I thought I would tell a little story… storyboard style…
I saw two photos: tulips in a glass and a glass housing a cocktail…
Day 24 - Matisse Pattern Inspiration
Easy inspiration today… walking up my staircase I looked straight at a painting hanging on a hallway wall… I painted it years ago based on Matisse sketches…
Day 23 - FAB Shoes… Get ALL Colors

I saw these shoes and had to paint them… a little different: I chose to make a black and gold pair instead of the burgundy one they show in their photo…
Good Life Parisian Style
Day 22 - Bird of Paradise
TODAY I painted early = an earlier blog post…
For my day’s inspiration I saw a few photos of Bird of Paradise on the line (credit to Vince Vaughn’s words for online in The Internship movie—so funny!)… giggling… correction: online
PRINT: Le Café Crème
I recently was asked if I could make a PRINT of my original painting Le Café Crème… My answer was of course but which version do you want?
The Original…
Day 21 - SPRINKLES really make moi happy!
Ohhhhhhh sprinkles on everything look sooooo FUN!
2023 Paris Café Collection
Thinking about bringing back some of my Paris Café paintings in a NEW frameable notecard collection and offering them in my art shop... if YOU are interested: email me!
LOVE these Frameable Card beauties!!!
Day 20 - Sowing Seeds
Day 19 - Thaturday
Cheers to Thaturday… Cheers to Earth Day too… planting flowers in my garden that can garnish fancy drinks has me thirsty for a peach bellini…
What is my next painting going to be?
Day 18 - My Pond Goldfish
DAY 17 - Garden Bench Breakfast
Ha! Like Breakfast at Tiffany’s… no donut but coffee in a FAB Tiffany & Co cup: don’t have one BUT I should!
Day 16 - LOL Funny Brunch
Working in my studio all day... painting for my projects... no time for a real lunch break... snacks in my mini fridge to accompany my café crème...
Sketch your life... sketch your yummy treats... lol... sketchy your funny "Laughing Cow" brunch complete with Trader Joe's dried cranberries... both items are a staple for me... perfect to paint in my journal...
Day 15 - Fashionista Café Crème
A vintage VOGUE cover caught my attention while drinking my morning café crème…
Day 14 - Water… It will grow!
Today I spent hours sketching garden life themes for my Paint with Fifi Flowers booklets. One of the items I sketched was a watering can similar to my journal painting…
Time for an Edit
Day 13 - Invasion... Johnny Jump Ups
Day 12 - Delicious Apple... Dessert
Apples with caramel sauce and ice cream was mentioned in my house by my son... hmmm... apple turnovers said hubby... what do we have? Crescent rolls, apples, brown sugar, butter, cinnamon, and cream cheese... Baked Yum! was how it turned out...
I don't like how my painted apple turned out... but I like the composition idea...
What will I sketch and paint tomorrow?