First let me mention that yesterday was my 18th wedding anniversary... spent a lovely day with hubby and our two darling teens... anddddddddddd the day started out WONDERFULLY in VIRTUAL Paris... oui oui oui... Fifi got up EARLY and watched the French Open and drank her cafe creme... J'adore how they show LOVELY views of Paris at the opening and throughout the event... andddd oooh la la... it inspired moi to paint!!!

after painting these Roof Tops of Paris with BLUE skies... I thought it would be FABuLOUS to metamorphosis these into a set of 8 FRAMEABLE notecards
along with OTHER Roof Top of Paris paintings like these...

This set of 8 is AVAILABLE NOW!!!... once I finish metamorphosis of another Paris rooftop photos!!! For NOW... ALL paintings are AVAILABLE individually as 5" x 7" FRAMEABLE notecards and the first SIX paintings in this posting are FOR SALE in my shop on CLEARANCE 20.00each
NO SHIPPING to US.... LOW shipping elsewhere!!!
NO SHIPPING to US.... LOW shipping elsewhere!!!
Please visit Fifi Flowers' Etsy Shop to OWN a Paris Roof Top!!!
andddddddddd be sure to visit
Reading is Fashionable this week... FABuLOUS GIVEAWAYS along with interviews and MORE!!!
Metamorphosis Monday and Blue Monday postings TODAY!