then the artwork was transformed into a big banner (sorry I don't have a photo) and lightpost banners...
and then used for programs... badges... and it was ALL over on many items...
and people could wear my artwork home on t-shirts...
and those who were champions... were rewarded with GOLD... or SILVER or BRONZE medals with my artwork on them... oui oui oui these medals belong to my children... ooooh and I even received a GOLD medal for doing the artwork for the event "pro bono"...
it was VERY exciting to see my artwork everywhere and FAB to know it will be an item treasured by some for years to come!!! I hope you enjoyed my little metamorphosis... and will visit other participants via Between Naps on the Porch!!!
Nowwwwwwwwwwwwww... time for a little something for the Blue Monday group via Smiling Sally... you must go visit them too... a BLUE cottage from Tybee Island...

Nowwwwwwwwwwwwww... time for a little something for the Blue Monday group via Smiling Sally... you must go visit them too... a BLUE cottage from Tybee Island...
the blue cottage painted by moi...

and a blue Tybee chair I'm thinking about painting... or I'd like to sit in... hmmmm
Hope you ALL have a FABuLOUS week!!! Come back and visit moi... don't forget to enter my GIVEAWAY... button link on the upper right sidebar...