Oui... Fifi experienced making Parisian Macarons with FAB friends... here are the ingredients mixed together and put into pastry bag (forgot to snap photos while seperating egg whites and blending in ingredients... désolé) via the Ladrée recipe... these were to be PINK vanilla macarons...

by the way... the recipe called for almond meal... friends attempted to make it themselves... never could get it fine enough... soooo they ran out to Whole Foods for almond meal finely ground and packaged for EASY use...

and there go the macarons into the oven...

out to cool and SADLY... no "feet"... ATTENTION pastry experts... what went wrong?

ooooh la la the filling was FABULOUS...

and though there were no "feet" or "dome shells" ... these were quite tasty...

soooo... we decide to try another batch using the homemade almond meal... anddddd this time TEAL BLUE...

here we go on to the parchment paper...

ooooh and sooooo NOT right...

we gave up and ate these...

Sooooo... once again... I ask... what went wrong? Has anyone else tried to make Parisian Macaraon... if so, what was YOUR experience? Is there a step by step video?
Tartelette... I soooo wish we could've attended your class... will you be making anymore trips to Los Angeles? Anyone else giving classes in Los Angeles? We would LOVE to get it RIGHT!!! If not, I guess we will all have to fly to Paris for the REAL Parisian macaron!!!
Now don't forget to visit
Metamorphosis Monday posts over at Susan's Between Naps on the Porch... and BLUE posts via
Smiling Sal's!
ENJOY your week... and come back and visit... I have a lot of paintings sure to BRING A SMILE TO YOUR FACE!!!! And remember you can
OWN a Fifi Flowers painting too!