Anyone visit a farmers market over the week-end (painting available)...

maybe purchase a FAB bag for your goodies (painting sold)...

painting metamorphosised from this photo... BLUE leash... new items in the basket...

or maybe a basket on wheels for even more goodies via
French Basketeer...

Goodies via the Farmers Market may include... Flowers (
photo via here)

Asparagus (
photo via here)

maybe eggplant (
photo via here)

my favorite thing to purchase at Farmers Markets is fruit... especially strawberries (
photo via here)... yum!

I hope whatever you did... you had a FAB week-end... and I hope the week ahead is FAB as well... ENJOY!
Anddddddddddd... REMEMBER this is the LAST week of MY BIG SALE!!! 30% OFF Custom Paintings... 50% OFF original paintings in
My BARGAIN GALLERY!!! Sale ends January 31st!!!
Now... be sure to go off and visit
Metamorphosis Monday posts over at Susan's Between Naps on the Porch... and BLUE posts via
Smiling Sal's!