Let's start here with this coffeetable... look it already has some books...

this coffeetable has a fireplace in it... that's hot ( I know bad joke)

another FAB room with yet another coffeetable...

this coffeetable definitely NEEDS a little something...

Anddddd... Here is a FABULOUS BOOK... PERFECT for EVERY coffee table around the globe... CHAIRS by Judith Miller... gorgeous photo history of CHAIRS from c. 1640 to c. 2007... I have one in MY home...

Perhaps YOU should have CHAIRS by
Judith Miller in YOUR home on YOUR coffeetable... you can purchase it
HERE along with her other FAB book FURNITURE...

I own it also and ADORE it! Andddddddd speaking of ADORING... time for YOU to run off and visit other Tablescape Thursday participants via
Between Naps on the Porch!
See you tomorrow... favorite fashionable Christmas decorations... and it will be the LAST DAY to send in a link or photo for

Coffeetable photos via Google search for French coffeetables!