waking up in blue pajamas...

with blue shoes...

shopping for blue Tiffany box...

visiting museums to see blue paintings...

listening to this FAB Blue song...
and then crawling into to this bed to dream...
Love how my Blue day Metamorphosed! Nowwwwwwwww... see more BLUE posts via Blue Monday posts over at Smiling Sal's and METAMORPHOSIS posts via Metamorphosis Monday posts over at Susan's. Ooooh and NEXT MONDAY I will show you the finished Teenage Glamour Room!!!
This week Fifi will try to post and paint Tuesday through Friday!!! Be sure come back and visit... YOU never know when YOUR photo may end up painted and on my blog!!!
SORRY I do not having any of my paintings in this post.... BUT Don't forget... I am AVAILABLE for commissions... email moi!!! Special Rates Holiday on PAINTINGS and CUSTOM HOLIDAY CARDS!!! Another OPTION with CUSTOM PAINTINGS for GIFTS... you may purchase a Gift Certificate for their own custom Fifi Flowers painting... contact moi! Andddddd don't forget to pop into my Etsy Store!
ENJOY your week!
Photos all via Google search for BLUE in NYC, restaurant decor, hotel room decor, dress, shoes, pjs.