Champagne was delivered...

Along with an invitation...

"Petunia and Fifi
Ooooh how FAB a sign... and Petunia has her own Jewelry Cartels to escort her... and Cartier surprised her with a crown entrance to the event...and had crowns for her...
while Fifi played with jewelry... trying on many baubles... necklaces...
FUN bracelets...
Ohhhhhhhh and Petunia bought this ring for Fifi... I am FOREVER grateful... Isn't it très FAB!!!!
I hope you are all enjoying this gathering...
Nowwwww... Be sure to visit other FUN Friday posts via Melissa’s Beautiful Life and Julia's Hooked on Houses and Arleen's Seasons for All at Home. AND Don't forget to visit all the PINK participants on Saturday at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound!!!
Andddd don't forget... if you have a book... and you LOVE to read... you must have the PERFECT bookmark!!! Or if you have a friend that LOVES to read... Or... dare I say it... if you are looking for STOCKING STUFFERS... HANDPAINTED BOOKMARKS are FABULOUS and AVAILABLE HERE!!!
Once again... be sure to READ ALL COMMENTS BY PETUNIA... you may even want to check the box that lets you read any more comments she might make later during the day... this is how she is participating in this adventure! And you never know when I might respond make to her!
I'm off to have more FUN with Petunia... See you on Monday... Bon week-end mon amies!