If you would like to commission Fifi to paint YOUR PET in a FASHIONABLE pose... email moi!!! See some of the FASHIONABLE PETS I have already painted... PERFECT GIFTS!!! Holiday Special Prices too!
Anddddddddddddd... I'm giving away another PAINTING!!!! Time for YOU to leave a COMMENT and YOU will be entered to WIN... GIVEAWAY deadline is on Sunday, September 6th @ 3:00pm Pacific Time... ONE Winners will announced MONDAY, Sept 7th!!!
Be sure to visit other FUN Friday posts via Melissa’s Beautiful Life and Julia's Hooked on Houses and Arleen's Seasons for All at Home... AND Don't forget to visit all the PINK participants on Saturday at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound!!!
Bon week-end to EVERYONE!!!
Photos via Google search for New York Pet Fashion Week