To see a FABULOUS 3-D view of the Fashionable Eiffel Tower... click HERE or you can see the Eiffel Tower LIVE! Paintings available in my Bargain Gallery!!!
Oooooops... I forgot to mention... I'm giving away a PAINTING!!!! Time for YOU to leave a COMMENT and YOU will be entered to WIN... GIVEAWAY deadline is on Sunday, August 16 @ 5:00pm Pacific Time... ONE Winners will announced MONDAY, Aug 17th!!!
Be sure to visit other FUN Friday posts via Melissa’s Beautiful Life and Julia's Hooked on Houses and Arleen's Seasons for All at Home... AND Don't forget to visit all the PINK participants on Saturday at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound!!!
Bon week-end to EVERYONE!!!
I apologize to anyone who wished to link to my Fashion Fridays... there doesn't seem to be an interest in linking to my Friday parties... so I discontinued my Fashion Friday party for the time being. Merci!