Today's Guest Blogger is Laura @ Under the Sheets-Shhh...
So nice to meet you Fifi Flowers readers. I am honored to be guest blogging today for Fifi. This seems like a match made in heaven, since Fifi Flowers is devoted completely to Paris for the month of April and I loved being in Paris. I felt like Paris was home to me. We visited the amazing city of grand ‘Paris’ (French pronunciation) as a Southern California family transplanted from Toronto, Ontario. We were use to speaking Canadian French in Montreal, but had no idea what was in store for us in Paris.
Paris is a magical city that seems to call to you even after you’ve left and traveled home. I am still drawn to the Parisian movies and music, but the food and smells are difficult to replace. If asked I would go back to France at anytime and stay for any length of time. Just name the time and the place and I will go and pack. OK forget the packing I will buy everything there.
Some of my fondest memories of Paris are of the sidewalk cafes, art shops, boutiques and chocolates. What a wonderful way to live! It felt almost as if the Parisians knew a secret to living that the rest of the world didn’t yet know. I felt transformed and wanted to dress, talk, eat and gesture like the women. Well at least I knew how to ride a bike. Now all I needed was a basket in the front with fresh cut flowers from the open markets.
After two weeks in Paris, I started waking up every morning in search of the cities best baguettes and Brie cheese to bring back to the hotel. But then Paris adds a perfect cup of coffee or an amazing glass of wine to their baguette. In most of the bakery’s people were allowed to smoke just outside so I would have to protect my warm prize from the smoke. This changed how I would forever see my breakfast. Eating some cereal with some toast still just doesn’t seem to cut it.
We also loved finding the little open markets with fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers. I remember fondly seeing the artists sitting on the side of the streets with their easel, pens and colors. Oh to be an artist with the sights and sounds of Paris. I ask you how can you not overflow with creativity?
How does one explain joie de vivre (joy of life)? Well if someone could tell me where I could find one of those baguettes in San Francisco then I will tell you where to find joie de vivre. So let me know how you think I did on my first guest blogging spot and Fifi maybe you can transform some of my pictures into beautiful art.
~Laura (Under the Sheets-Shhh)
Laura... Merci Merci!!! I enjoyed your post... taking us to sidewalk cafes and open markets... truly FAB for an Outdoor Wednesday!
Oooooh and you soooo inspired me with this photo of yours...

Laura has agreed to guest blog for me again next Wednesday... I cannot wait to see what she comes up with... in the meanwhile... let's pop over and see what the other Outdoor Wednesday participants are doing HERE!
If ANYONE is interested in GUEST BLOGGING ABOUT PARIS or FRENCH things... I have 3 spots open as of NOW... email me for details!!!