CPR Instructor... and the students coordinate with the instructors...

Window Washers...
Au Pair... Nanny... or La Mere...
Lift Operator...
Hummmm... I better buy a fashionable dress to fit in with the other painters...
Paintings of Paris are in my Painting du Jour Gallery and Etsy Shop... and frameable notecards can be put together CUSTOM... you pick your favorite Paris paintings for a set of 8 frameable notecards... and ALL paintings can be made into prints...
ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND... I'm leaving (virtual) Paris and heading off in my fashionable PINK dress to the (virtual) South of France for the Easter weekend... see you Monday with details... photos and paintings!

Starting today MY PINK POSTS will be seen on Fridays... I will no longer have postings on Saturdays... but PLEASE be sure to visit all the PINK participants on Saturday at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound!!!
Anddddddddddddd for MORE Friday FUN visit... Melissa’s Beautiful Life and Julia's Hooked on Houses!!!
Paintings of Paris are in my Painting du Jour Gallery and Etsy Shop... and frameable notecards can be put together CUSTOM... you pick your favorite Paris paintings for a set of 8 frameable notecards... and ALL paintings can be made into prints...
ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND... I'm leaving (virtual) Paris and heading off in my fashionable PINK dress to the (virtual) South of France for the Easter weekend... see you Monday with details... photos and paintings!
PLEASE LINK AFTER YOUR FASHIONABLE FRIDAY POST IS ONLINE... MAKE SURE YOUR POST IS LINKED BACK TO FASHIONABLE FRIDAY... AND THAT THE LINK YOU ENTER HERE IS LINKED TO YOUR POST AND NOT TO YOUR BLOG SITE... for more details click on the Fashionable Friday button in the sidebar or email me... ANDDDD remember to play nice and by the rules or your link below will be removed...