Sooooo over the weekend I was VIRTUALLY visiting my friend Laura in her Paris apartment... She was serving delicious fish for lunch... Admiring her new Spring flowers... I fell in love with her iron work...
While she created in her kitchen... I sketched and painted... After our FAB lunch, Laura suggested we run down to this little cozy place for dessert... yesssss... she makes fabulous desserts too... but we thought it would be fun to go out for a stroll and dessert. This is the place we enjoyed a yummy treat... and we chatted and laughed and Laura suggested I stay in Paris through April... because wellll... afterall there is a song about it... anyway... I thought that was a great idea too.
However... I do have a commission waiting back in LA... these two little darlings need to be painted separately...
in theses two lovely settings...
So back home... for this week of Outdoor Wednesday... Tablescape Thursday... Fashionable Friday... a PINK dive into the ocean on Saturday... and then next week I will VIRTUALLY head back to Paris and I will remain there throughout the month of April... we will take some VIRTUAL trips around France while I am there... and meet some wonderful people living in France as well... You will NOT want to miss out!
NOW... one more thing before you run off to mark your calendars for all this FUN... I NEED some help... I rushed to the airport to get back to LA in a hurry and did not finish my "Paris Dessert Cafe" painting above... you will note the chair, the table, the tray and the napkin have NO colour... please suggest some colour... I cannot remember the colours in the cafe and neither can Laura... I think we may have had a little too much bubbly... ooooh but it was FUN... anyway... I have a couple surprises around studio and I would love to give them away... sooooo help me and one of them might be yours!!!
ENJOY your day... see you Wednesday.... I'm a little VIRTUALLY jet lagged and need a rest tomorrow!