We're getting close to Alison's favorite part of the gardens... Alison says "When walking over the bridge it was as if I was in his (Monet's) painting with the lily pads laying in the water."
Claude Monet's Painting of the Japanese Bridge... Fifi's painting of the Japanese bridge...
Claude Monet's painting of the iris garden...
Fifi's painting of the iris garden...
Alison loves exploring the gardens and tells her own words... "the bridge and the arbor of roses and walking under them. It is absolutely gorgeous."
I hope you enjoyed our stroll through the Monet Garden... next on our day's adventure...
The Musée d'Art Américain... about 100 yards from Claude Monet's home and garden...
99 rue Claude Monet 27620 GIVERNY, France
Tel : +33 (0) 232 51 94 65 Fax : +33 (0) 232 51 94 67
The Musée d'Art Américain is open from April to October every day except Monday, from 10:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. It is also open on bank holidays. No booking or advance tickets are necessary for individuals. Reservations are mandatory for groups... GOOD THING WE HAD A RESERVATION for this SPECIAL VIRTUAL VISIT!!!
Before we go inside the Musée... let's have some lunch at their Terra Cafe... shall we sit outside... or inside... I'll let you make the selection... After our tummies are filled with appetizing quiches, original salads, marinated fish or meat fresh from the grill and delicious american pies...
Let's take a peek at
T h e C o l o n y o f A m e r i c a n A r t i s t s E x h i b i t
Displaying American artists in Paris. "In the 1880s and 1890s, virtually thousands of American students were invading Paris and its art schools. Attracted by a more liberal curriculum than what was available in the United States, and aspiring to compete on an international scale, the American artists' success in assimilating the traditional French training is reflected by the number of entries and awards they received in the annual Parisian Salons."
Here is my favorite of the paintings...
Richard Emil MillerThe Pool, n.d.© Terra Foundation for the Arts
Currently, there is not a Temporary Exhibit scheduled... so let's tour the gardens...
I saw you trying to pick a PINK TULIP... non non non... you must not pick the flowers... how will I paint them if you pick them... Now off you go to visit Beverly of How Sweet the Sound and all her PINK post friends! ENJOY YOUR DAY!
Information and Photos via Givery Vernon: In the Heart of Impressionism ... Fifi Flowers paintings are available in frameable notecards, prints and the originals are available at this time.
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