and delicious food...
Yummm... well fed and ready to pop over and visit Beverly of How Sweet the Sound to see what all the PINK girls are up to on this PINK Saturday... come along... let's have some FUN!
Later... exhausted from blog hopping... you can head back to one of the guest rooms to relax and read books for the rest of the weekend...

Paintings in this post are for sale... and they are also available as prints and frameable notecards.
Don't Forget to come shop at "Fifiby's Art Auction" on Tuesday... Fifi Flowers paintings on CANVAS and ART BOARD will be up for auction... grab your number paddles... I've got my gavel!
Photo Inspiration via Napa Style... William Sonoma (I think)... Golf for Women (another missing magazine from the newstands)... NO, I DON'T REALLY OWN A VINEYARD... ONLY VIRTUALLY!