As in Tiffany Blue...

Absolutely love this room... ooooh Hey Jude... look a purse to match your room... available at
Neiman Marcus...

Sorry got off track with that delightful purse.... Ok... this room belongs to Jude... so I asked her if I could use her photograph and proudly display it with a painting by moi... her words were "are you kidding me?"... I took that as a YES... so here it is... WOW... SHE LIKES IT... SHE BOUGHT IT!!!

I have to tell you... when I saw Jude's profile photo in a comment section... I click on it... I just had to see more of the photo and now you can see more photos of the room that inspired me on Jude's
Randomly Run4ist Run blog... But first... a little more Tiffany Blue...

Don't you just adore those boxes... I can't seem to part with them... oooooh, yes... I have that many Tiffany pieces... one piece of Tiffany jewelry is NEVER remove from my body...

I even wear it while doing laundry in my Tiffany blue laundry closet... no, it doesn't make me love doing laundry... but it does make me want to shop at Tiffany & Co!

Or watch Breakfast at Tiffany's
And think about my latest Tiffany & Co obsessions...

What is your Tiffany obsession?
Do you LOVE "Breakfast at Tiffany's"? Do you watch it and secretly imagine you are Holly Golightly?