Fifi's ode to artichokes... starting with a painting by moi... "Champagne and Artichokes" a lovely combination...
Close up of the lighting via Flickr...
Let's eat some Yummy Artichoke Creations via the amazing Martha Stewart... recipes HERE
Another stuffed
And last but not least... my favorite way to eat artichokes... steamed with a lemon mayonnaise sauce... YUM! In need of fruit or vegetable illustrations... original artichoke paintings by Fifi is available... email me...
Sooooooo... Artichokes... love 'em or hate 'em?

Artichokes via Horchow ... a collectible box from Jay Strongwater® ... and a finial...
Bed frame from HERE with artichoke finials...

Artichoke Medallion Fabric via Hancock Fabrics...
"Artichoke" wallpaper designed by John Henry Dearle for Morris & Co. pre-1900... Image copyright has expired... considered public domain...
Artichoke magazine... creative design, architecture, art and colour, projects and personalities... more info HERE...
Ok... relaxation... time to sit here under this FUN artichoke lighting... maybe read the magazine... but definitely admire the gorgeous view provided by This is Glamorous...

Artichoke Medallion Fabric via Hancock Fabrics...