In celebration of the Opening of Sex and the City the Movie... I give you the Modern Chic Girl Condo designed for an entertainment industry professional by Fifi Flowers Design...

Instructions for the Project... First, design around this piece of furniture... Second, complete project within a week time frame... Third, stick to $1000 budget (time compensation was worked out in a VERY good trade)... Fourth, and most importantly, make it fit the client's personality... " a modern, smart, trendy, confident, romantic, Latina version of Carrie on Sex in the City"... Starting with her blank canvas...
Living room area canvas comes to life!
Adjacent Dining area complete with minimalistic lighting is transformed....
Acrossing the dining area... colour and art work (framed on rasberry smoothie wall) is added to the galley kitchen...
AND... The Grand Finale to the Project...
Original art work to complete the space and reflect the client's personality... the only thing missing from the painting is a cosmo in her hand!